Saturday, June 12, 2010

The One With All the Primer

My dad flew in yesterday. He's here to help with the enormous task of priming and painting EVERY ROOM IN THE HOUSE. INCLUDING THE CEILINGS. It started out very slow this morning with prep work and getting everyone's stuff labeled (I'm lucky enough to have friends and co-workers loan me their tools so I don't have to buy them!). Plus it was just Daddy and me, and I was beginning to wonder if it was going to be the two of us all day.

Thankfully, a couple of future occupants of the lovely new basement, Molly and Sara, came to work. Even K-Ro stopped by for a couple hours of painting fun! We primered our little brains out! And tomorrow I'll be even more especially thankful that Jeanne came to paint... she got her second wind after dinner and pushed us all to primer the living room after we tackled the dining room. We got so much accomplished. The attic and entire basement are primed. I can hardly believe it.


  1. How are the brain cells?!!! That's alot of painting! So did you end up leaving any of the wood walls in the attic?

  2. katie - don't feel guilty! you did move closer, but not that close. driving three hours to paint and drive three hours back would be pretty ridiculous. plus all that driving would cancel out my recycled and no voc paint!

    cash - i'm pretty sure i've lost a LOT of brain cells during this whole process! all the walls are still wood in the attic and i've decided to keep them and not paint over them. we put new drywall up on just the ceiling. i think i want to stain the knotty pine walls super dark, but that will be a project for another time... i wish you were here to help - you would love it!
