Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The One With the Hooker

Just as I was rolling a wheelbarrow full of plaster around the house an old man started walking into my front yard. He was hollering over the sound of saws and hammering so I stopped to talk to him. He introduced himself as "The Godfather of Greenwich" and proceeded to ask if I knew that there were a couple of hookers living across the street. Then he pointed and said, "that's my house, I'm Bob Hooker." He went on to tell some stories and ask about what we were doing to the house. He called me Cindy a couple of times and I asked him who Cindy was.

"You're Cindy."

"I'm not Cindy, I'm Katie."

"Oh. Well, who is Cindy?"

"I don't know Cindy."

"I don't know Cindy either."

"Okay then."

"Welcome to the neighborhood!"


  1. I love that you started a blog! So that us far-far away friends can share in this awesome new chapter in your life!!
    Can't wait to visit in August!!!
    Love you "Cindy"!


  2. Oh that is pretty funny. Love the new blog and can't wait to see what we missed!

  3. Katie!
    Love this blog -congrats on your house you are so awesome in taking on this project!!!
    P.S. you do know a Cindy...
    Love, Cindy
